Providing support for all E. Crane Computing products, including POWERGEN, PBSERVICE, HARPB, VERSIONEDIT, PBLRESCUE, and PBLEXPLORER.
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I need to find out what version of PowerBuilder DLLs, such as libjcc.dll, pbdwe90.dll, pbodb90.dll, pbrtc90.dll, pbvm90.dll, PowerGen uses to build applications. We are getting reports of a Sybase error which may be caused by a mismatch between the DLLs that are used to build the application and the DLLs that are loaded at runtime. Does PowerGen use DLLs stored in the C:\Program Files\sybase\shared directory on the build machine or does it use them from some other source?
PowerGen looks for DLLs in the standard Windows sequence of places:
The EXE launch directory.
Windows directory.
Windows/System directory.
So if the .../shared directory is the first place these DLLs are found, PowerGen will load them from there.
FileMon ( MSFT / SysInternals ) is a very useful tool for profiling this type of behavior.
We're also delivering a tool with PowerGEn V7.0 that will let you profile apps. this way.