E. Crane Computing Support Forum

Providing support for all E. Crane Computing products, including POWERGEN, PBSERVICE, HARPB, VERSIONEDIT, PBLRESCUE, and PBLEXPLORER.

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#1 2003-09-15 16:01:43


Re: Dashes In Identifiers

I am currently evaluating PowerGen using the 30-day trial product.  One issue I have run into already is that building our application in PowerBuilder requires that the "Allow Dashes In Identifiers" option be turned Off.  Our developers have made substantial use PowerScript constructs such as "count--" as meaning "decrement the 'count' variable".  PowerGen produces lots of errors when regenerating this code because it is treating "count--" as an identifier.  If there a way to turn "Allow Dashes In Identifiers" Off in PowerGen?

#2 2003-09-16 07:22:10


Re: Dashes In Identifiers


Unfortunately no.   PowerGen uses the ORCA interface (from Sybase) to access PowerBuilder's build and library management functions.  ORCA has no support for using this option, although we logged a "bug report" about this over 7 years ago.

We have had very few customers run into this as an issue. Those that did could justify the work needed to change their code to gain the benefits of PowerGen.



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