E. Crane Computing Support Forum

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#1 2012-02-03 11:42:26


Re: Incremental build question

Our sofware is developed in Powerbuilder 12.1 Classic. We use TFS for our source control. Currently when we build we get everything from TFS and then use Powergen to do bootstrap import and build. This takes hours to accomplish so we want to intermittently do incremental builds. For some reason there is not enough documentation on this. So far what I did are the following. Full build will be done on Fridays every other day incremental builds will be executed. After full build the source files,pbd and libraries will not be deleted. Here are the steps for incremental build.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\TF.exe" get $/TPA_TRAINING_PLAYGROUND/Everest/ourapp/recursive /overwrite

Start /Wait pwrgn12 /K="C:\Builds\Everest_Play\ourapp\ourapp.gen" "C:\Builds\Everest_Play\ourapp\ourapp.olf" /NRP /G

Start /Wait pwrgn12 /A="C:\Builds\Everest_Play\ourapp\ourapp.gen"

This does not work. TFS gets the changes as needed in line1, but synchronize does not pick up the changes from the source file.
I don't have source control setup in the .gen file, is this needed?
Also in the .gen file I have Incremental regeneration to happen only when changes done are after exe creation and to skip pbd/dll/exe creation if no incremental changes in that object.

#2 2012-03-13 08:25:56


Re: Incremental build question

Sorry for the delay getting back to you. In the future please contact tech support directly to address your issues.

The process you describe is the right one.  In the output log, you will see which objects are imported as part of the Synchronize function and (important) where they are imported from.  Check to see if this is what you expect.

Feel free to send the log to me and I'll take a look.

The incremental regeneration is something different.  I would recommend just performing the Synchronize function without incremental regeneration.



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