E. Crane Computing Support Forum

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#1 2005-04-13 13:41:28


Re: PB6 => PB10 Migration w/PVCS build errors

I think that this might be user error on our part but I wanted to throw this out to the forum to see if anybody else has seen this behavior.

We just migrated our app to PB10 and PVCS 8.   We were trying to setup PG6 to work in this environment this weekend.  What we wanted to do was configure the workspace to connect to PVCS so the user could do the synch prior to executing the build.     The reason for this is because we do not currently use promotion paths with PVCS and we need the manual intervention to control what is actually included in the build.   Hopefully that changes soon but for now we are kindof stuck in this process.

PG6 appears to try and populate the SCC values based upon what is in the workspace and will actually do its own synch on the pbls to be built.  We tried to set these to blank so that it would treat PB like it wasn't actually under source control.

The problem is that after doing this, we would get an error on sporadic dw's.   Invalid format at line 29...  and then about halfway thru the libraries it would hang on one particular dw.  At that point the only solution was to kill the process.

The other side to this is that if we have a workspace that doesn't have any SCC configuration values. The build appears to work just fine. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 



we are running pb10 bld 6064, pg6 bld27 and vm8.02 bld 662

#2 2005-04-14 09:11:32


Re: PB6 => PB10 Migration w/PVCS build errors

more information on this...   it appears that this might not have anything to do with powergen at all.  There seems to be some kind of problem with the registration process. 

We took the app, converted it to pb10, created several builds with Powergen...  no issues.   

We then set the scc info in PB and registered all the objects.   Didn't make any changes, had the tell-tale green dots on everything.  Tried to do a build (recreated the .gen file) and ran into a situation where it would hang on a dddw until it ran out of virtual memory.  If we tried to regenerate/open the object that caused PG6 to hang from within PB, it would hang and eventually run out of virtual memory.

If i compare an export of the bad object from prior to registration and after.  They are almost the same...  the only exception being the ""HA"" added on the first line of the export file.  but that appears to be a standard header that gets added during the pvcs registration process.

#3 2005-04-15 14:05:57


Re: PB6 => PB10 Migration w/PVCS build errors

Hi ~lsp,

You may be running into the problem that PB10, when registering objects in source control, converts special (Unicode) characters to a format, known as "HEXASCII".

For PowerGen to handle this properly you need a patch to PowerGen V6.0.  I'll e-mail download instructions.  Then you let us know if this addresses the problem.



#4 2005-04-22 05:31:59


Re: PB6 => PB10 Migration w/PVCS build errors

#5 2005-04-22 05:34:36


Re: PB6 => PB10 Migration w/PVCS build errors

Sorry for previous empty message ;)

I also need the new patch of PowerGen for the same reason, could you please email me the download instructions.


#6 2005-04-25 14:16:04


Re: PB6 => PB10 Migration w/PVCS build errors

Hi Laurent,

They're on the way.



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