E. Crane Computing Support Forum

Providing support for all E. Crane Computing products, including POWERGEN, PBSERVICE, HARPB, VERSIONEDIT, PBLRESCUE, and PBLEXPLORER.

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#1 2018-04-01 17:29:29


PowerBuilder 2017 R2 Git/SVN Integration

PowerBuilder 2017 R2 offers an integration with source control systems, Git and SVN.  In doing this R2 changes the way source files are saved relative to the PBLs.

In previous versions it was expected that source files would be saved (during source control operations) in the same directory as the PBL.

As a consequence, we are preparing a new release (V9.7) of PowerGen that handles the R2 change.  This effects operations such as Bootstrap Import and Synchronization.

A pre-release if available now upon request.

Please also note that orcascript (part of PowerBuilder) does not support the changes and plans to include support in R3, scheduled for late July.


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