E. Crane Computing Support Forum

Providing support for all E. Crane Computing products, including POWERGEN, PBSERVICE, HARPB, VERSIONEDIT, PBLRESCUE, and PBLEXPLORER.

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#1 2005-06-23 07:48:13


Re: Problem with creating exe PB

I recently upgraded our test environment Powerbuilder to PB  I am currently using Windows XP and Powergen for Powerbuilder 10.0.

When I use Powergen for 10.0 to build my project, Powergen goes through the application, goes through the library list, but it crashes ( bring up a send to Microsoft error message similar to a Dr. Watson error ) before it regenerates any of the objects.  I have tried to only do a regeneration of objects through Powergen and it fails with same message.

I am able to create the executable using Powerbuilder 10 by creating a PB project and deploying it.  This includes regeneration, creating PBDs, and creating an executable.

I am able to use Powergen for 8.0  to successfully create the application and PBDs for my production application which uses PB 8.0.4.

If my memory serves me right, I could successfully use Powergen for 10 to create the application and PBDs before I migrated my application from PB 10.0.x to PB

Is anyone else having similar errors with PB 10.2.x?

Thank you for your help


#2 2005-07-07 06:18:44


Re: Problem with creating exe PB

Hi Mark,

There are no reports of problems with PB 10.2.x, so I suspect some other change in the configuration going between V8.x and V10.2.x.

You are using PBLs that have been migrated to PB10.2.x?  Can you view objects in them from PowerGen; use the View Objects function?  If you can mail your PowerGen project file and a sample output log (philw@ecrane.com) , I may be able to spot something.



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