E. Crane Computing Support Forum

Providing support for all E. Crane Computing products, including POWERGEN, PBSERVICE, HARPB, VERSIONEDIT, PBLRESCUE, and PBLEXPLORER.

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#1 2010-04-12 12:20:53


Re: Is there a way to tell what is checked out for all pbls?

Is there a quick and easy way to determine what is checked out in an entire project instead of having to individually check each pbl?

#2 2010-04-16 12:47:54


Re: Is there a way to tell what is checked out for all pbls?

This would depend on the source control system.

Our product, PowerVCS, provides this function.  Check www.powervcs.com for more information.



#3 2010-04-23 07:11:56


Re: Is there a way to tell what is checked out for all pbls?

We use Harvest and HarPB.
Why wouldn't HarPB be able to provide this data?
The checkouts are done within HarPB.

I can see what is checked out in each PBL by viewing it individually.
It seems that there would be a way to list all checked out items - vai report.

Perhaps this is a feature request.

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