E. Crane Computing Support Forum

Providing support for all E. Crane Computing products, including POWERGEN, PBSERVICE, HARPB, VERSIONEDIT, PBLRESCUE, and PBLEXPLORER.

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#1 2004-12-14 08:46:46


Re: rebuild PBL's from a VSS Label

Is it possible to build your PBL's back from a VSS label. How can you do it ? I have tried unsuccessfully different ways. 1) by gettting the label then trying a bootstrap from the PBG's file it did not work. 2) creating OLF's from the current PBL's the trying a boot strap with that it did not work. any help would be appreciated. 

#2 2004-12-22 10:03:57


Re: rebuild PBL's from a VSS Label


Sorry for the late response.

You should be able to Synchronize from a VSS labeled release; we have many customers doing this.  I would using OLF's with wild cards, if possible since they are less prone to errors then PBGs.

What problems are you having?  Can you send an output log that shows the errors?



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