E. Crane Computing Support Forum

Providing support for all E. Crane Computing products, including POWERGEN, PBSERVICE, HARPB, VERSIONEDIT, PBLRESCUE, and PBLEXPLORER.

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#1 2004-02-13 10:10:09


Re: problem with PowerGen generated PB9 PBLs

Our build process creates 121 PBLs and associated PBDs and EXEs
across 10 applications using bootstrap import.
All object files are retrieved from PVCS prior to the build.
After our recent upgrade from PowerBuilder 7.0.3 to PB 9.0.1 (7066)
we are seeing a rather confusing issue.

The build completes successfully, all PBLs, PBDs, and EXEs are produced.
However, so far we have identifed 4 PBDs that are causing the application(s)
to crash. We've found a way to work around it, but it's painful. We take the PBL files
that PowerGen created, use PowerBuilder to perform a full rebuild on them,
take the one PBL we've identified as the problem PBD, and regenerate that
PBD using PowerGen from the PowerBuilder PBL. After doing so, the application
runs through the same PBD without crashing.

Exporting objects from PowerGen PBL and PowerBuilder PBL and comparing shows
them to be the same.


#2 2004-02-13 13:45:55


Re: problem with PowerGen generated PB9 PBLs


Are the PBDs in question shared between different applications?  If you perform the full re-build using PowerGen, rather then PowerBuilder, does that produce a good result?  Is it possible the library lists of the applications have changed, and the PowerGen projects not updated?

Could you send your PowerGen project file and a sample output log?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, but it is extremely unusual to have a different result from PowerGen then from PowerBuilder, all else being equal.



#3 2004-02-16 09:13:49


Re: problem with PowerGen generated PB9 PBLs


While there are shared PBDs in the different applications, so far there has been no
issues with the shared PBDs. Each case so far has been one or two PBDs that are
only in the application. I have tried to rebuild by removing the PBL/PBD/EXE
and do bootstap import again (with same result), but have not done a full rebuild
of the existing PBLs.

I will send project file and output log.


#4 2004-02-17 09:55:25


Re: problem with PowerGen generated PB9 PBLs

In looking at your PowerGen project, I strongly suspect that one or more of the PBLs that you have excluded from the build needs to be regenerated.  And it's not unusual that the problem would suddently appear, because it could be related to a subtle change in the PB code.

Try performing a full build, regenerating all the PBLs, for a failing application and see if the problem persists.



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