E. Crane Computing Support Forum

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#1 2006-10-06 04:50:35


Re: HEX2 and scheduled tasks

Since a few weeks we are migrated to PB 10.5 and PowerGEn 6.5.04.

We compile every week our source automatically by PowerGen using a Scheduled Task.  We are using the following command:
"E:\QVCS\Pwrgn105.exe" /J=E:\Compiler\AutoBuild\Sync.gen E:\Compiler\AutoBuild\wintree.olf /NRP /H /I_SE=HEXASCII

When this command is runned by a Scheduled Task of Windows the result is that we get HEX2 code in our source.

But when I start the build program manually (by logon at Windows) the same command import the source well, without the HEX2.

The Schedulded Task is done under a different user, maybe that could be the problem also..?


#2 2006-10-06 12:47:38


Re: HEX2 and scheduled tasks

Hi Hans,

I'm looking into this (see also Greg Schneider's recent post) and will be back to you early next week.  Greg found workaround by setting the Import Option to HEXASCII in the Options dialog; this will have to be done for the User Account for the batch process.



#3 2006-10-17 08:10:24


Re: HEX2 and scheduled tasks


The PowerGen command line to set Registry settings must appear on its own command line, i.e. Pwrgn105.exe /H /I_SE=HEXASCII.  Is it possible you are including the "/H /I_SE=HEXASCII" syntax as part of another command?

I couldn't reproduce this using Build 12.  There was a problem in auto-detecting the import encoding in the initial V6.5 release, but his was corrected in Build 12.

If you're still having trouble, let me know.



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