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#1 2008-10-27 09:01:38


Re: migrate from PB9 to PB11


I am trying to migrate from PB 9.0.3 Build 8004 to 11.2 Build 8616.

We use Starteam as source control.

I change the script that we use to build PB9, but how to I do migration?

when I migrate in the Powerbuilder IDE, string functions generate an alias for ansi,

FUNCTION LONG ace_get_cert_ver (REF STRING cert_vers) LIBRARY "ace32.dll" alias for "ace_get_cert_ver;Ansi"

but when I use Powergen 7 is does not create the alias.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is my script 

if not errorlevel 1 goto getsource

stcmd co -p "@ngsv333:49201/Promo/Promo_build" -is -q -o -fs -vl %1
if not errorlevel 1 goto :bootstrap
echo Error extracting source.
goto end

echo Bootstrap import.
start /wait /min /low pwrgn11.exe /J=d:\ngis_build\promo\source\promo.gen d:\ngis_build\promo\source\promo_app.olf /A=a_promo /NRP
if not exist pgerror.log goto :build
echo ***Error in bootstrap.
echo ***See D:\ngis_build\build\pgerror.log for error code.
goto end

echo Building the app.
start /wait /min /low pwrgn11.exe /A=d:\ngis_build\promo\source\promo.gen /A=a_promo
if not exist d:\ngis_build\promo\source\build.err goto :cleanup
echo ***Error building app.
echo ***See d:\ngis_build\promo\source\build.err for error code.
goto end

echo Removing unneeded files.
del d:\ngis_build\Promo\*.sr? /s /q
del d:\ngis_build\Promo\*.bak /s /q
del d:\ngis_build\Promo\*.pbg /s /q

#2 2009-01-15 15:31:35


Re: migrate from PB9 to PB11

PowerGen does not change any source when you import objects from pre-Unicode PB to post-Unicode.


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