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I like to codesign my PB application with PBCodesign but get a error Could not determine PowerBuilder version.
This are the commands I used
C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional>makecert.exe -sv wintree.pvk -n "CN=TSD Automatisering BV" wintree.cer
C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional>cert2spc.exe win tree.cer wintree.spc
C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional>pvk2pfx -pvk win tree.pvk -pi Bikkel -spc wintree.spc -pfx wintree.pfx -po Snikkel -f
C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional>pbcodesign "C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional\wintree.exe" signto ol.exe sign /f "C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional\wintree.pfx" /p Snikkel /v "C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional\wintree.exe"
Could not determine PowerBuilder version of file: C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional\wintree.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\E. Crane Computing\PowerGen Professional>
Any idea why this happen?
At the PC PB10.5.1 and 11.5.1 are installed. The program is compiled in 11.5.
I'm also curious as I get the same error with pbcodesign.
For grins, I signed our .exe with a plain call to signtool and it appears to be fine. The application runs, the version and other information are intact, and the certificate shows up in Explorer.
PB, Win XP SP2. signtool.exe version 6.0.6000.16384
I'll e-mail you with instructions for downloading the latest version of PBCodeSign. It appears that the version you're using does not support PB11.5.
I get the same message but i have only pb 11.1 version.
Sry 11.2 8669
I'll e-mail you with instructions for downloading the latest version of PBCodeSign. It appears that the version you're using does not support PB11.5.
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